If I get enough sleep or drink enough coffee, I start to have ideas. I write them into a post on my Evernote account. I haven't implemented a single one of these ideas, and I likely never will, so I'm posting them here. If you like one or hate one, please post a comment. If you steal one of these, please tell me so I can buy it.
State machine designer for non-programmers
I actually sort of started this one. I love the State design pattern when making software. So much of business is workflows- at step 1, do this, if after step 1 things look like this, do that. So, if I code business software, it's pretty natural for me to end up at a state pattern. The great thing about the pattern is that it forces you to lay out all possible behaviors of whatever you're describing. Then you say, for each state, if that behavior is valid and what is the result of that behavior. Thus, I think it could be a great tool for describing what the functionality of software (or even business processes) should be. Hand a programmer a state machine design that's been validated by the designer and they should have a much better understanding of the requirements.
Alien Bowl
A mobile app that's just like a fish tank with aliens in it. They could be totally novel creations or things from movies, and they would do weird stuff that we would expect of nothing but aliens.
Build your own travel guide for your neighborhood
People love to brag about their neighborhood or town (or sometimes they like to hate on it). Either way, make a platform to do that. I think the ideal case is that some in-laws are coming to town. Instead of them going to like the three tourist traps everybody goes to, make them a guide that directs them to the nice park on the edge of town or the quirky hole-in-the-wall that makes great burritos.
Play four RPG battles at once
More to come, but you get the idea.
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